-20% with the code : FRESH20
About us

Who are we?
We are Nolan and Kate, married for 3 years now. We were living a rather ordinary life when we decided to rethink our diet.
We wanted to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into our lives.
That all changed when we started making smoothies every day. We multiply the recipes, always test new combinations...
That's why the idea of creating this box to share our experience as "Smoothie Addict" but also to make discover this lifestyle to a maximum of people.
Our values
For a smoothie to be perfect, there is one rule that must be respected at all costs: use fresh products.
That's why, in addition to the recipes, we offer our customers the benefit of fresh and local products harvested during the day to allow them to make the best smoothies possible while following the recipes at hand.
We really want to help as many people as possible to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and all this thanks to one essential element: smoothies.

I want to join the adventure!